
Showing posts from September, 2009

ILTC 2009 Part 1

International London Tattoo Convention 2009 pt 1 Having experienced the convention for the first time last year, we were very excited about the 5th annual convention. Before the event I dared to dream of the possibility of getting to sit down with my favourite artist Chuey Quintanar, but more later... We (Wifey, Melly, Debbie and myself) booked tickets for the Friday this year, the start of the convention. There was a definite buzz (pun intended) on opening day and though the atmosphere was good and anticipation high, the crowds were not as large as we (and others) had imagined. Still, the artists were setting up, the retail stalls were ready, and the bars were open! It's such an amazing sight just walking around, it's almost impossible to take it all in. Thank goodness we had the entire day to mill about and take photos and discuss the sights. First up we looked for Chuey's stall. Once he, his crew and his appointment turned up we said a q...

ILTC 2008 Recap

International London Tattoo Convention 2008 Recap So today (written 28/9/2008) Melly and I went to the London Tattoo Convention. It's a 3 day exhibition and today was the wind down day it seemed. However still a ton of great artists and work to be seen. Nice crowd, slight underlying tension as you find with most events in London but on a whole was really cool. So I went there to spot Oliver Peck who runs Elm Street Tattoo in Dallas. He's from my hometown so got to show support. And he also has ties with VANS and Wifey and I both rock his signature slip ons. Also wanted to see Tim Hendricks who is on Miami Ink this season. It's tough to know what to do when you do see these guys. So I chose to just nod, smile and check out their work before moving on. However, I was fortunate enough to meet a really awesome guy, Jesus 'Chuey' Quintanar. I wandered over to his stall and he recognised my tee as one he designed for Stussy X Neighborhood...