
Showing posts from 2011

My "Best of 2011...."

It's that time of year when everyone is posting up their " Best of " lists so why should I be any different? I hope mine delivers some more insight into what I'm all about and what goes on in my world, cyber and real. Some of these ideas and mentions have been in my head for a while now and I'm pretty sure I have also forgotten a bunch of stuff but to hell with it. Below you'll find a mix of the materialistically shallow as well as the personal deep and meaningful. As Kel (from Kenan and ) would say, " Ah here goes !" Movie You know as much as I love going to the movies there just isn't the time, or at least we don't make the time. That's speaking about grown up movies. We've made an effort to start taking the kids on a Saturday morning to see such gems as Cars 2 and Mr Popper's Penguins. The kids don't yet have as much love for the cinema experience and prefer DVDs at home but we'll keep trying in 2012. (note th...

Merry ChriStmAs

2011 brought Hip Hop back to my heart. This seems appropriate for that, although inappropriate for the actual season. Enjoy and much love. -Bossman75


Great game last night, made even better by the company of family and friends. We deserved something more but it wasn't to be. Love this photo of a bright young star of ours after the game. He's always showed his passion for the club and fans. And he hilarious on Twitter when not chirpsin' girls. I don't feel too strongly about the departure of Nasri. His contract came to an end and he got a pay rise if you look at it from a business point of view. But football is not a business to the supporters. It's not life or death, it's more important than that. Many players could do well to remember that and choose how they behave and what they say wisely. Ultimately we are their bosses and sign their cheques. Act accordingly. -Bossman75


@Jokerbrand tweeted this image from @millerphoto1 this morning. Great use of the Damien Hirst diamond and platinum SKULL . Very intense eyes from the model Dani. Photo shot by Rankin. Stare at it for a bit, then close your eyes........... -Bossman75

"Your services are no longer required"

I want to say a big THANK YOU to @TheRealStanLee and @Jon_Favreau for the movie IRONMAN .  This movie is spectacularly awesome each and every time I watch it. OK so Pepper Potts never does get her milkers out but hey we get everything else we could ask for. I've had a great Sunday. FAMILY FIRST . Exercise (ran 5k), Sport (Cowboys destroyed Buffalo. Eagles and Redskins lost, Giants losing currently) and movies (erm read above). Really how much better does it get? Oh yeah, Pepper Potts' boobs. Please note I am not a Gwyneth Paltrow fan,  norks out or not. (NSFW) Had a busy week. Amazing gig Monday night. Carhartt presented RHYMESAYERS . I was there to see @Evidence and came away desperate to hear more Brother Ali and Grieves & Budo. Outstanding. Rekindled my love for Hip Hop. Again. Happy to be able to say that. Actually what impressed me the most was the sound in Camden's Electric Ballroom . Hip Hop gigs have a tendency to disappoint with shitty so...

"Whatchu talkin' 'bout Wednesday" #1

♦♦♦New Feature!♦♦♦ I keep meaning to blog on a more regular basis and this might help that. Just a couple things I've caught online or where ever that sparked my interest and maybe yours too, each and every Wednesday. News that Stussy will be releasing a Beavis and Butt-Head capsule in November featuring tees and sweatshirts. Details can be found on the likes of Freshness Mag  but you're here for my opinion right? I loved Beavis and Butt-Head. I am now almost thrity-six and I would be more than happy to show my love of the show, creator Mike Judge and what MTV used to be about (actual music) by wearing something from this release. Course I would like to actually see the designs but I'm sure previews are just around the corner. I do not want to miss out and be all grumpy later, like I was when I missed the Mr Cartoon Spiderman tee in the Marvel collaboration. Pah! Next up a London showing of " GIRLS ON BIKES " by INSA. I viewed th...


"Let me hear you make some noise!" I'm happy to say that I have tickets for November 9th at Jamm Brixton to see DJ Muggs. It's a dubstep night and there's a host of other DJs in attendance but all I care about is seeing the big man himself, oh and the little fact that my brother is coming with me. It marks our first night out since he's moved to England and I can't wait to spend some time with him. Muggs is promoting his new album BASS FOR YOUR FACE and is touring Europe with DJ Q-bert who I would have loved to see also, but alas he is not able to make the date. Rather that be disappointed I am really happy that Muggs was able to find time to sneak this unplanned spot in his schedule. I've never been to Jamm, and I have never experienced a Dubstep club night. DJ Solo is cursing me out right now! But having been a fan of Muggs' work since the early 90s I know I'll like what I hear. I applaud him for cont...

CSI: London - November 7th 2011

This is Crime Scene Cinema. Some glimpses and teasers ahead of the London date of the Rhymesayers tour w/ Evidence . Evidence flows sick over this DJ Premier beat. Go get the new album 'Cats and Dogs' and fall in love with Hip Hop again. Alchemist gives his blessing. -Bossman75

The Number One Chief Rocka

"No it's the shoes." "The shoes?" "It's gotta be the shoes." I make no bones about it, I grew up dirt poor. Not only that but in an age when some of the most ground breaking sneakers came out. These two facts were not what a teenager wanted to stuck in the middle of. Despite the circumstances I found myself in I fell hard for some sneakers and the love stays with me to this day. I can honestly say I was never jealous or envious even of the kids at school or at football who rocked some of these. It just wasn't in my nature. If anything I was in silent awe and admiration. To a degree I'm still poor, but that depends on how you view life. Safe to say I don't have cash money to live the sneaker head dream. I got some inspiration when reading a few Complex features from the likes of Frank The Butcher , Gary Warnett and even Diggy Simmonds . I got nothing but respect for Frank, he's a heavyweight in the game and an all round ...

Fiending (again)

My love for Vans is obvious. My love for Toons' work is also obvious. These OTW Alomar are calling me. This video clip is on repeat in my head. And that beat? Tell me you didn't nod to it. Mister Cartoon - Alomar from Off The Wall TV on Vimeo . Also hoping to get a copy of Art Of Lettering before it sells out. Peace to Toons and Vans OTW . Outstanding collab once again. -Bossman75

Red Light Visions

No, not another work trip to Amsterdam. Instead it was another awesome visit to the International London Tattoo Convention. I already posted up some bits, so I'll just say a few words and leave you to watch the video and see the photos. I planned to go all out and snap happy, but really it just doesn't seem to be my thing. I got a couple photos and a few poses with people I admire. You really just need to get up off your ass and come to next year's weekend and catch it for yourself. The weather was glorious. Each year the venue seems to open up space wise a little bit more. The food court was much much better (photo of wifey chomping on a burrito is proof). The merchants stalls are pretty much the same, some nice bits and pieces. With regards to tees, as you'd expect there was Sullen and Rebel 8 all over the place. Footwear of choice for the punters seemed to be Vans, Cons, DMs and surprisingly Nike Air Max 1s. Go figure. I didn't catch any of the entertainm...

Anticipation and Self Help

"An intense anticipation itself transforms possibility into reality; our desires being often but precursors of the things which we are capable of performing." Samuel Smiles   I often use google searches to come up with my random blog post titles. I have a vague idea in my head then see what I can come up with. Tonight's search has lead me to read about Samuel Smiles. I'm actually quite interested to read his book 'Self Help'.     Now to completely dumb this down.   Anticipation #1     Yeah this looks like sh1tty weather to my American pals but trust me this is as close to glorious as we can expect on these shores in September.     Anticipation #2       Getting to see the great  Chuey Quintanar who is flying in from Long Beach for the ILTC2011 this weekend. Wonder if Edgar Hoill has brought some cigars with him?     And heck, for the fun of it I just might Self Help myself to a pair of th...

What's the time?

It's time to get ILL ! erm I meant INKED ! Well almost anyway. Wifey bought the tickets to this years International London Tattoo Convention 2011 (ball ache to type) and we're all set! We'll head over on Friday the 23rd to experience Day One like usual. It's always good to see the artists arriving (fresh faced and not yet hungover) and getting to say 'Hi' before it gets manic. We expect big things from the stalls and hope to catch some of the entertainment before we head home. The plan is as usual to take as many photographs as possible, make sure we're in a few of them too as that's usually lacking. Then once again I'll head over on the Sunday as I have the absolute honour of sitting with Chuey Quintanar . Although I originally planned to go into this sitting with an open mind, something has sparked an idea in my head after all. We'll have to wait and see. We pray for safe trips in for all the artists, and good weather wo...


Just when I'm ready to wash my hands of Hip Hop AGAIN , something extraordinary slaps me in the face and brings the love right back. The chin-checker in this instance is Apathy and his latest project " Honkey Kong! ". On the strength of the Peace Connecticut video shown on the  Soul Assassins web site I copped the album and I've not been able to get enough ever since. I'm happy to admit that this album for me is better than Hot Sauce Committee Part 2 by the Beastie Boys. And I f cking love the Beasties, but it just didn't meet any of my expectations. I'm sorry. Having read many a review I felt this article best says what I would have liked to say - If you are a fan of hip hop in its truest form, then you will appreciate Apathy’s latest offering, Honkey Kong. Filled with Apathy’s brand of hardcore story telling raps and crazy punch lines as well as guests like Celph Titled, Action Bronson, Xzibit and a few other lyrical heavyweights, Hon...

Fakin' the Funk

We all need help from time to time. No one can do this on his or her own. Having said that and knowing it to be gospel, there are times when you get yourself into a particular funk. During these times there is only one person capable of picking you up and dusting you off. You. Some of my favourite Joel Osteen quotes relating to how I'm feeling right now - "You may live or work around a bunch of weeds, but don’t let that stop you from blooming. Realize that your environment does not prevent you from being happy. Some people spend all their time trying to pull up all the weeds. Meanwhile, they miss much of their lives. Don’t worry about things you can’t change. You can’t change the traffic in the morning. You can’t fix everybody at work. You can’t make all your family members serve God. But you shouldn’t let that keep you from being happy. Bloom anyway and focus on the things that you can change. You can change your own attitude. You can choose to be happy rig...

Wait for the bomb squad

This is the dialogue that best describes what is going through my mind right now with regards to work. (thank you to IMDB  and Hark ) Martin Riggs: [after cutting the wire which accelerates the timer so it'll detonate sooner] Rog? Roger Murtaugh: Yeah?   Martin Riggs: Grab that cat!                -Bossman75

† Dark Imagery †

A couple of brands that were on the edge of my peripheral vision have come into full view of late. First was Bloodbath™ and their collaboration with the Soul Assassins entitled Soulciety. And now a brand I've caught glimpses of and kept my mind open to - BLVCK SCVLE with their collaborative effort alongside one of the most in demand artists right now Jun Cha . Having just viewed the below clip via Vouchmag  and in addition to a teaser already blogged by Jun himself entitled  BLVSPHEMY I'm definitely eager to see more of the Lux Aeterna collection. Jun as ever can be trusted to create and execute only the finest ideas and imagery. Having yet to experience any of the BLVCK SCVLE products in person I can only use what I know of Jun's philosophies and ideals to base my assurances on of the quality of this venture. What Jun says about the belief, commitment and relevance of the classic religious images in modern life is very astute. "Wha...

SPREAD the Word

Grafters. Perfectionists. Purveyors of only the finest quality goods. Friends. The Buttery Store Get over and get your fill of the best hand chosen Prime Cuts. You will not be disappointed. Tell a friend. Tell a hundred friends. -Bossman75

American Hardcore

It's Friday people. It's a Bank Holiday weekend, 3 days off work gives me good family time and also some space to be creative and thoughtful and post something decent on here. Expect the unexpected......or don't. Up to you. -Bossman75

♪When You've Got So Much To Say....

....It's called Gratitude, and that's right.♪( Beastie Boys ) You should know I'm a fan of the 'mash-up' by now. It kinda sucked to read that an artist I respect is tired of hearing that term, especially when he is so  AWESOME at creating the best examples of it. I can understand where he's coming from but also I think when done right then there is no end to the joy it can bring. And I'm not just talking about music. Same principle applies in life with your family, friends, work, everything. I've been thinking about this topic for a while and trying to figure out what I was trying to say with it. All this stuff makes perfect sense to me in my head, but I try and make it relate to all of you too. We're all kindred spirits and if you think we aren't then you're reading the wrong blog! Hurry! Run! There is no greater group/band than the Beastie Boys for staying true to themselves whilst delivering a multitude of styles throughout the y...

Forever Forward

We celebrate Arsenal's 125th Anniversary with a forthcoming ode to the club's history and future, directed by Ryan Hopkinson, revealing the passion, forward-thinking philosophy and belief in youth that the club inspires through game-changing Gunners. Thank you Nike .

Let it burn, wanna let it burn.

London, ask yourself if you are really rioting for a fucking reason people. Stop shitting all over where you eat (and cash your fucking giro). I don't want to pay for your fucking ignorance and hate. Get a job, make a real POSITIVE difference in people's lives. -Bossman75

Twitter thought for the day

Can't help but laugh even if I am on Team Hilfiger. I've been in the presence of Tommy, but yet to meet him. I don't know a great deal about Rich, and I never watched the Hilfiger daughters on MTV. But he seems to be doing just fine and the photo shows him being blessed with art by Toons. Can't fuck with that. -Bossman75

Same As It Ever Was

"It's all Hip Hop" - Erik 'Everlast' Schrody This past week I got to see one of my all time favourites groups perform live. It really was something I thought would never happen. Celebrating twenty years of House of Pain, Everlast and Danny Boy rocked the Scala to great effect. Minus DJ Lethal (on tour with Limp Bizkit), with a live band and DJ Lego on the tables they kept it old school, with tributes to the lives of those lost to us. (Guru, Nate Dog, Amy Winehouse..) They brought more than a couple surprises, with West Coast beats and HOP rhymes over the top. Was really messing with my head at times! To kick off the show, we had an hour set by an unannounced and unnamed DJ. He dropped several bangers, mostly bass heavy and West Coast flavoured, the crowd were really feeling it and warming up for the main event. Everlast came out to The Shadows' "Apache" playing the famed riff and thoroughly enjoying himself. The man is music. That's ev...