Filthy & Faded by Ben Allen
I've taken a greater interest in Pop Art over the past few years, and in particular multimedia / collage work. I'd recommend anyone interested get to a gallery and see it up close to better appreciate it. I can hardly believe it's been some fourteen months since I last visited the Westbank Gallery to view Sex • Pop • Vandal by Ben Allen . Spanning adult, superhero and anime themes with vivacious colour and often risque composition, works like Nude Graffiti , Lady Luck Gold Icon , SUPERWONDER and PEACHY are delightfully infixed in my memory. Sadly so is the grief of not having purchased one of the affordable Mickey Money works when I had a chance. Meeting up with my buddy Mel and attending tonight's private view of Ben's latest show Filthy & Faded should cheer me up. Details below via the Westbank Gallery event page on Facebook . Filthy and Faded pays homage to Allen’s creative roots, his love of pin- up...