Wishing Well 2013
To start the New Year off with a wish list might seem a bit lame, but it should serve to keep my bank balance the right side of zero. My plan as ever with the blog is to Entertain, Explore the world of Style through fashion, music and even sports, and achieve Better understanding of myself along the way. Expect plenty of questions with no answers, truths, desires be they for clothing, art or anything really and a healthy dose of T&A thrown in for good measure. So let's get down to it. I figured if I set out the things I've had my eyes on last year and some future attractions too I can work towards either acquiring or eliminating them from this list and my mind. Having this list somewhere physical(ish) and out of my head will help me to make better decisions and enable me to make plans.My mantra will be "Good things come to those that wait, and hopefully via the Sale section". So, expect updates and amendments to this list monthly. At the very least...