Wishing Well 2013

To start the New Year off with a wish list might seem a bit lame, but it should serve to keep my bank balance the right side of zero.

My plan as ever with the blog is to Entertain, Explore the world of Style through fashion, music and even sports, and achieve Better understanding of myself along the way. Expect plenty of questions with no answers, truths, desires be they for clothing, art or anything really and a healthy dose of T&A thrown in for good measure.

So let's get down to it. I figured if I set out the things I've had my eyes on last year and some future attractions too I can work towards either acquiring or eliminating them from this list and my mind. Having this list somewhere physical(ish) and out of my head will help me to make better decisions and enable me to make plans.My mantra will be "Good things come to those that wait, and hopefully via the Sale section". So, expect updates and amendments to this list monthly. At the very least it gives me something nice and easy to blog about if ever I'm stuck for something to say, not that likely though is it.

I will use a rating system of 1-5 skull & crossbones, 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest in terms of how much I want something.

Finished chest tattoo by Valerie Vargas ☠☠☠☠☠ - Valerie already completed the original design for a memorial piece and had mentioned options to fill the rest of my chest. I think my top aim for this year will be to have her finish it at the London Convention in September. There are a number of artists I'd love to sit with (Chuey (always), Dave Tevenal, Jason Butcher, Stewart Robson to name just a few) but realistically I need to finish pieces I've begun first, and money is a big factor. Good tattoos aren't cheap and cheap tattoos aren't good.

A pair of Nike ☠☠☠ - I've always been obsessed with trainers/sneakers. I've had a lot in the past, some classics and some grails. My collection is, well to be blunt, no more. I've learnt to appreciate from afar and managed to only buy something I'm really into, and if possible at less than retail. It's a gamble (with great rewards) and one I will probably take for either one or both of these.

Nike Roshe Run Trail Blackout

Nike Air Max 1 2013

Silver Key-chain/Pendant from Dog-State ☠☠☠☠☠ - I hope to work with Toshi Takahashi on a custom piece of jewellery commemorating my Dad who passed away ten years ago.This may take some time to accomplish but marking the tenth anniversary is very important to me.

DJ Muggs "Bass For Your Face" ☠☠☠☠☠ - This album releases I believe on the 15th of the month.


A print from Chuey Quintanar ☠☠☠☠ - This isn't a MUST for this year but definitely a MUST for at some point. I would love a copy of the original design that got me into his work. Stussy x Neighborhood "Boneyards" Pirate Wench.


A print from Latisha Wood ☠☠☠☠ - Although I've not long been following her work both on canvas and skin, her black and grey style is amazing and her subjects both soft, gangster and traditional in a typical West Coast kind of way. Again, this is a long term wish and I hope to see her again at this years International London Tattoo Convention.

Born X Raised "Genocide" hoody (Champion/3M ink) ☠☠☠ - LA based, Made In America, Bad Ass and Quality. What more can I say?

Born X Raised "Snooty Fox" crew (Champion) ☠☠☠ - See above. The right items can last forever and remain timeless, especially if you aren't bandwagon jumping and changing style every season.

And to finish for now....

ANYTHING from The Great Frog ☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠
OK this is just a fact that they do outstanding work and have some of the most desirable pieces of jewellery ever. I've been blessed enough to own some pieces myself and also treated the wife to some too. I hope to continue this long into the future. I almost have all the smaller items I love, and so the time has come to start saving for the more grandiose works of art.

Some of the things I got and love from 2012 were flukes, bargains and complete surprises. Long may this formula work! Here is just a taste -

Nike 'USA' MKII Olympic Jacket
Nike 21st Century Olympic 3M Windrunner (yes THAT one)
Vans Vault Priz II Hi Leather
The Great Frog Black Woven Leather bracelet
Favor The Brave - A collection of tattoo flash by David Tevenal
Flaming Rose tattoo by Chuey Quintanar
Sabina Kelley 2013 Calendar (signed)
Usugrow print "BD Pirates"


Most rewarding of all I got to meet some great people which I plan to write more about in coming posts. Looking to do a recap of all the influential people and events from 2012.

My greatest wish is for my family and friends to be Happy and Healthy no matter what, with a sprinkle of the above to keep things sweet.

I will finish this with a verse from Jane's Addiction's "Wishing Well" as it's poignant, relevant and in line with my feelings -

I had a dream last night
I can’t heal people
I heal myself
Just by wishing
Just by wishing
I’m wishing you well!
I’m wishing you well!
I’m wishing you well!
I’m wishing you well!

I wish you all the Best for 2013, may your wishes come true and goals be achieved. Work Hard! Earn it! Be Thankful. Peace.
