
Showing posts from October, 2017

Stranger Things 2

The kids from Hawkins are back in Season Two of the Netflix original Stranger Things. To celebrate this the guys at  Stylecreep  are  offering an additional 10% off   with the coupon "STRANGER" .   They also enlisted  UK artist  Rebel YĆ¼th to illustrate a   look book  featuring a multitude of brands worn by the cast.  Though I wish he had put  Will Byers  in flannel, would have been perfect. Following on from my post on tartan I felt it would be iniquitous to not do a feature on flannel. And despite the fact that it was 20 degrees earlier this week, layering season is upon us. Originating from  Wales in the 17th century and worn mainly by farmers and blue-collar workers, it came to be adopted by alternative music fans  in the 90s and is a present day staple in both luxury fashion and street wear.  T he fabric is interwoven between subcultures  and genres and i t continues to be a favourite of arti...

RZA + MATHEMATICS: 'The Saga Continues'

" For anybody that's a hip hop fan, you going to enjoy it ." DJ Mathematics on Shade45 w/DJ Kay Slay This is not an official Wu-Tang Clan album, it's a collection of songs executive produced by the RZA and crafted by DJ Mathematics . If you don't think that makes a difference, just re-read the quote at the start of this post.  It's being touted as a hip hop album not a Wu album and that speaks volumes. I read a review on Pitchfork that stated - " Mathematics knows the Wu-Tang blueprint well and is more than capable of executing; he supplies their staples: sample-heavy soul, knocking drums, and the usual snippets from martial arts cinema ." I wanted to see how it fared against other DJ Mathematics albums, and honestly it's as Wu sounding as it gets. Arguably only  Redman and Method Man shine on The Saga Continues , with requisite efforts from other Clan members like Ghostface ,  Raekwon, Inspectah Deck, GZA  and Cappadonna . Ulti...

Chaos to Couture

The Tartan Clan Although I was born in America, I have plenty of UK lineage including a great grandmother that was Scottish. I've never been to Scotland myself, I did date a girl from Ayr for a short time if that counts for anything. And the closest I've come to wearing tartan was to a Halloween party at church when I was around eleven when my mother put me in one of her skirts and said "You're going as a Scottish person".  Do yer dinger ! Most people, myself included could be forgiven for only equating Tartan with Scotland, however I learned this week that the  fabric has a history dating back thou sands of miles and years, long before the Highland clan association.  I suspect that even more will only know of it's modern role in fashion.  The design, particularly the Royal Stewart   has been prevalent in fashion ever since  British punks along with Vivienne Westwood  ( the Queen of punk fashion )  re-appropriated t artan  as a f...


My love of Tommy blossomed in the 90s and I have very fond memories of visiting the Sloane Street store whenever possible. As part of the Tommy Jeans 4.0 release the stand out item for me is the TOMMY JEANS 90S AOP CREW SWEAT . T he sailing jackets and fleece tops are a close second but this is gloriously outrageous.  I was also shown a photo recently of a button shirt with this pattern worn by Mercedes Formula 1 driver  Lewis Hamilton  and thought this is just insane.  My wife's impression was a little different, " Oh that's ugly! "  I received a couple different email newsletters about this collection today and already pieces are selling out, including this sweat. You can find it in the UK at End Clothing , Urban Outfitters  and of course  Tommy directly. As much as I love this I can't honestly imagine myself wearing it, that's if I could afford it to start with. Still, it's an enjoyable trip down memory lane to when I was that bit bold...