Random blog titles FTW! So this is a mixed and yet completey related post. It is NOT however anything to do with The Fonz. I spent a lot of yesterday afternoon in a real RAGE , just feeling grumpy and like I wanted to take it out on someone, anyone. What made it far worse was there was no reason behind it, and to add to it I was even more upset at having become upset for no reason, and not being able to shake it off. Compounding the problem I think it's called. In any case it was bad, bad for my mental health and possibly bad for some poor soul's physical health. I knew I had a remedy, a band-aid®, something to make the rage go away, even if only temporarily. So I headed home with this in mind, knowing a change was coming. And promptly got stuck in traffic for 30 mins. Great. Now I was gonna be late getting home to get the kids bathed and ready for bed. Not that it's ever a problem, they have the world's greatest Granny and wouldn't even notice to be ho...