
Showing posts from March, 2011


This is pretty much what my days consist of at the moment. But I am working. I'm checking new Japanese fashion magazines for any interesting articles to post on Hypebeast. It's a tough job but someone has gotta do it!


Spotted this bumper sticker over the weekend. Not something you see every day whilst driving in the Garden of England , Kent. This however is bad ass, and should be on every car worldwide. From the guys over at HFCC .

Beauty > Filth

The clocks went forward this weekend. Spring is imminent. Oh and this video reminds me that my car is in dire need of a clean. Wonder how much she charges? About a girl from Bobby Gilanyi on Vimeo . Thank you to the guys at The Lovewright Co and their consistently awesome posts.


Thank you to Hypebeast for this update on the Stussy x Marvel collab coming soon. Be good to see the artists' interpretations, Mr. Cartoon 's especially.

Bring me sunshine

Woken up to such a beautiful day. Slightly chilly to start, but glorious sunshine and not a cloud in sight. Couple trips to the park with the kids. Arsenal have come back from being 2-0 down. 4 ltrs of Dr. Pepper® and home-made hamburgers on the way for dinner. And best of all got to catch up with someone I have the upmost respect for both as an artist, and a man. Interview with the man behind Aching Soul Dermagraphix and more photos to come...... Next session booked for April, can't wait. Aching Soul Dermagraphix Lee, Syd and Ken Only blemish today is that we drew 2-2 with WBA and Man Utd beat Bolton 1-0. Season over?

Fits 'Em All

Tattoo Burst ( feat. Chuey Quintanar ) & Inked ( feat. Jun Cha ) H.D. Lee Company 1889 - Dexter Vintage '89, 101 Chino Thank you to Farhad (Vans) and Robert (Lee) for hooking me up. True Gents. (Identities kept a secret, sort of, badly) Today really was a good day. -Bossman

♪♪ Monday, Tuesday...♪♪

Random blog titles FTW! So this is a mixed and yet completey related post. It is NOT however anything to do with The Fonz. I spent a lot of yesterday afternoon in a real RAGE , just feeling grumpy and like I wanted to take it out on someone, anyone. What made it far worse was there was no reason behind it, and to add to it I was even more upset at having become upset for no reason, and not being able to shake it off. Compounding the problem I think it's called. In any case it was bad, bad for my mental health and possibly bad for some poor soul's physical health. I knew I had a remedy, a band-aid®, something to make the rage go away, even if only temporarily. So I headed home with this in mind, knowing a change was coming. And promptly got stuck in traffic for 30 mins. Great. Now I was gonna be late getting home to get the kids bathed and ready for bed. Not that it's ever a problem, they have the world's greatest Granny and wouldn't even notice to be ho...

I would do anything for love...♥♥♥♥♥

....But as much as I love these, I won't do £900. You can HERE . Neighborhood C.W.P. Log Boots

I let my tape rock 'til my tape popped

Last night I had cassettes on my mind. Do you even remember what those were? *Click on the track below whilst you read* Bought. Self made. Mixtapes, break-up tapes, make-up tapes. Albums and singles. From local independents like F.L. Moore Records  or majors like Our Price . In 1985 I got my first album on cassette (mentioned in previous blog post) Brothers in Arms by Dire Straits. In 1995 I was still recording radio shows ( Colin Dale , David Rodigan to name just two) onto cassettes. By 2005 the vast majority of my cassette collection was in a box in the garage destined for a land fill somewhere. When you think about it the cassette was a technological masterpiece. Small, portable, easy to store, could hold albums, singles and even computer games. Best of all they were easily repairable with some Sellotape™ . And yet after 20 years of my life they are already discontinued. We would struggle to find anything to play the very few we've kept on. Makes...

The Big One

So, it's been kinda crazy here the last 18hrs. Its still kinda crazy actually. Thankfully we were not affected much in Nagoya.  We are about 300km west of Tokyo.  There was a really big and long shake followed but lots of little aftershocks but no damage and everyone I know is safe and well. Initially my day continued on as normal.  I went to an award ceremony to collect a prize I won for a photo I took.  My mate and I then headed to a friends house where we watched the TV and started to realise how big this actually was.  That was when I phoned my parents to let them know we were all ok. Of course every tv channel was been covering the disaster and we all we could do was watch as the news of more people found dead came in.  The number is around 1000 people now but that is likely to rise as the clean up continues. The initial quake actually killed very few people despite its size.  This is mainly thanks to Japan being probably the most prepar...

Saturday Night

T-Plants, MixMasterMike and Travis Barker. So much love for this.

Motorbikes = awesomeness

I see loads of awesome motorbikes here in Japan. This Harley was parked outside a local bike shop. -Yom

The Phunky Feel One

If you know me, then you know I'm a fan of the Soul Assassins Crew - Cypress Hill, House of Pain and Funkdoobiest. Some new members now-a-days but they were the foundation. Anything SA affiliated get's a resounding head nod from me with no need to even listen to or see it. Certified 100% Dope. I often check out Soul Assasins  online for vids, tracks and general knowledge of the scene, past and present. Today they have this gem up - Cypress Hill Demo Tape 1989 . Click the link and go through the posts, take all night, hell take all week it's well worth it. If you really don't have time then grab a blunt and listen to this demo at the very least. And check the skull logo, straight killin' it.


Step Change 2011. Time to get it done. See you at the TOP!!!

A Wild Yom Appears

Hello My name is James, better known as Yom, Nagoya Yom or "Hey, you in the bushes with the camera!".  I am Rob's older, fatter, less attractive brother from different parents. When I'm not teaching Junior High School English or writing for Hypebeast I am posting to my 365 project, Nagoya Yom 365 . I've known Rob for a few years now and we have very similar interests and opinions so I thought I would post about some of these here, as well as showing you some interesting things I see and experience whilst living in Japan. As the great Steve Perry would say "Don't stop believin' '" -Yom