Serious post time. From the soul. Or sole ? Whichever suits . Get it? Reference to apparel and footwear, like, fashion related I trying to hard? I don't care. It's 2011 and it's apparent that things have changed. Look around you. People want something not just different, but something more. Even as we edged towards the end of 2010 already there was a shift in consumer demand and trend. If I were a mathematician this is how I'd attempt to present my case to you the learned people - Heritage > Hype Quality > Limited Quantity Hand Crafted > Factory Line Some of this is hypocritical coming from me considering my employer and my brand loyalty. The fact is, and this is NOT lost on me by any means, the majority of brands use the same factories, the same materials, the same fabric content, and it's the same machinery and human hands assembling what you see on the shelves and rails. That's business, that's fact. "Hello? You...