Tattoo-thousand and 12 pt2 Where do I begin? Having lost a good six hours worth of writing I'm debating how best to conjure up the events covered. It would be impossible to rewrite word for word but only I will know the difference. Just gotta come to terms with the fact I was happy with what was done, and now whatever comes of this will have to do. So, part two. I want to dedicate this entry to a good man who has not only given me beautiful work but also raised my awareness of other artists and the world behind the needle. It's easy to see the websites, blogs, reviews of artists work but the behind the scenes in kept mostly well, behind the scenes. How artists relate to each other, their integrity and aspirations. It's a bad ass world for sure but the relationships, respect for and lack of can be found in more places than just the tv shows currently on air. Upon meeting Mr Lee you'd be forgiven for seeing only the hard exterior that comes with being an experien...