The 10th London International Tattoo Convention

The 10th London International Tattoo Convention, the greatest, most respected and prestigious body art convention in the world, is to be held on 26th, 27th and 28th September 2014 at Tobacco Dock, 50 Porters Walk, London E1W 2SF. When The London Tattoo Convention was established a decade ago, it was estimated that one in eight of all British adults had been inked. In 2010 it was guesstimated that a fifth of all adults had got at least one tattoo, and now it is estimated that at least a third of all British adults have gone under the needle. It comes as no surprise, therefore, to hear that attendance figures have risen from 3,500 at original venue The Old Truman Brewery ten years ago, to well over 20,000 at the vast, picturesque setting of Tobacco Dock last year. Sabina Kelley an elegant and sensual statuesque platinum blonde pin-up girl with singular grace and style, has been chosen to star as fairy godmother of this year’s convention. A hugely succes...