The Challenge
I've had a personally very exciting and rewarding last few weeks. Well not one to dwell too long on that I am moving on. A phrase that has stuck with me for some months now is always my first thought when attempting anything now, Further & Faster. Do read on.... Whilst laying with my son in his bed at 5am this morning I was given ample time to think about the next two weeks. I've not had much success as setting (or achieving) short term goals. Long term is a different story altogether but I feel it important to work at this and see the benefits as far outweighing any cons. In 2 weeks time I'm off to Amsterdam for another Line Opening and 3 days of meetings. Some might find this as exciting as hammering nails into their eyes. Those people do not work for the company I work for, nor dare I say have as much passion for the job as I do. I've been working my ass off lately (more so than usual) which has made doing anything else but work very difficult, including e...