
Showing posts from 2012

Track #3

Album cover for "Endtroducing" by DJ Shadow which included track #3 - "The Number Song" I've spent the last two or three weeks with all sorts of numbers running through my head. For this post initially I wanted to just showcase a few of my favourite numbers and why they were important in my life. Instead I found a very small but effective link to a question you are all welcome to ask yourselves. How much of our lives are not only influenced by but maybe even completely controlled by numbers? In simple terms you need look no further than the biggest of all numerical factors; money. No matter the currency, you cannot escape it and you sure as hell cannot live without it. Everything you do is controlled by money, how much you have and how much you don't have. How much you earn and how much you owe. You want something? How much does it cost . You provide a service? You want to be paid . You may have your own view on the entire situation but it all boils...

♪ "Age ain't nothing but a number" ♪

Ohhhh " Throwin' down ain't nothing but a thang" , I always thought it said " Going down " Phew glad I checked before going into that lyric. Just a quick one to say how genuinely touched I was by the turn out for my birthday drinks. Had the pleasure of being with current and ex colleagues, as well as really very good friends. Most of my office were there which was awesome, my angels from Tommy and a couple of the raddest buddies you could ask for from Vans. More and more I understand, and hope I can reflect and pass on, that there is far more value in friendship than any gifts that can be bought or given. Of course I'd say that as I have everything I could possibly need in this world. Sure I still want things, but the list is getting smaller and more significant to my being happy. One strange thing I have noticed however since turning thirty-seven, my sudden change from adoring Dr. Pepper and Snickers  and replacing them with C...

Now that ain't workin' that's the way you do it

You play the guitar on the MTV. A pivotal song and video for the MTV generation. A generation that ironically didn't seem to last all that long. Sure, MTV as a channel still exists, along with it's various spin off channels, none of which are dedicated to MUSIC as far as I can tell. Although I have been off work for two days with flu I resisted the urge to watch some of the garbage now being touted as entertainment on MTV. But like everyone has an ass hole, I have an opinion none the less. A valid one too since I was around at the BEGINNING and believe we are now long past the END of music television. MTV promised much and did so within the guidelines of good taste and censorship. We all knew the censorship would be tested and confronted, that's just music. However what I'm sure none of us expected was for it to turn full circle and become basically a porno channel full of adverts. Late night only viewings of videos like N*E*R*D's Lapdance became commonpl...

Catch Up

"To bring an activity to completion or to a state of currentness" There has been a number of worthy events in the last couple of months. Here's my two cents on just a couple or three - Presidential debates, or rather popularity contests. The reason I say that is my understanding of politics is minimal due to not really feeling I need to know the finer details. I get by generalising when it comes to political parties as I believe the task is the same for all and the result is the only way we can judge. So really for me the debates are between the President and his achievements and failings compared to someone with nothing but words and promises to offer, making it not about who did what but who we like the most at this moment in time. Also I question if four years is anywhere near enough time to make anything happen that would ensure a second term. I do feel its pointless it being so public, televised and costly for these campaigns. People who vote are capable of read...

Mere Mortals

I love the idea that humans were able to live for hundreds of years. I've read that humans date back some 200,000 years depending on your definition of 'human'. It's interesting that the life expectancy of a male in the UK is just 78 according to the CIA World Factbook 2011. I can imagine for some that living longer may seem like a nightmare, and I would agree if based on how we presently age. I wonder if it was very different long ago however and if at all possible in humanity's future? Being 100 might have been the equivalent to entering your thirties in present day terms. No health issues or brain deterioration would make the event much more appealing to me for sure. I testify that life after 30 has been great for me. Can you imagine saying "I didn't start living until I was 100" what a crazy thought! If there are studies into this and I'm sure there are I should seek them out. My limited knowledge, and lack of desire to Google my wa...

Innings Closed

An innings is closed when: Ten of the eleven batsmen are out (have been dismissed); in this case, the team is said to be "all out" The team has only one batsman left who can bat, one or more of the remaining players being unavailable owing to injury, illness or absence; again, the team is said to be "all out" The team batting last reaches the score required to win the match The predetermined number of overs has been bowled (in a one-day match only, commonly 50 overs; or 20 in Twenty20) A captain declares his team's innings closed while at least two of his batsmen are not out (this does not apply in one-day limited over matches)     1,826 and not out. How's that for a cricket score? Of course it would be insane for me to literally talking about cricket. I know what cricket is, an excuse to drink all day in the sun for those unfortunate enough to be married to or fathered by a cricketer. Harsh? Well suck it up, I'm American and it just ain...

Rest In Power MCA

His style was wild and you know that it still is. First things first along with many others I'm still deeply feeling the loss of Adam Yauch. I wont attempt to catalogue his achievements as these are readily available and not the point of this entry. It's become visibly obvious that he was more to so many than simply an entertainer. The world has lost a great man, and my thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends. The universe doesn't feel the same. I'm so grateful for the way his music, vision and humanity had a positive effect on me. There has never been a group like the Beasties, and I can't even comprehend anyone coming close. They took all the skill they possessed, combined it and used it for the power of good. Whether it was a business suit, boiler suit or track suit MCA rocked it with finesse. I loved seeing him in a button down personally, grown man style. I was slow to warm to the latest Beastie album, production was from another gal...
pos·sessed (p-zst) adj. 1. Owning or mastering something. Used with of: one who is possessed of great wealth. 2. Controlled by or as if by a spirit or other force; obsessed: a teenager by love possessed. 3. Calm; collected: one who remained possessed in times of great trial. I would have never imagined how relevant that description of possessed could be to how I'm feeling. I find it fascinating the meaning includes the topics of wealth, love and great trial. Sure I'm reading it in such a way to find relevance, or am I? As mentioned previously I would categorise myself as a have-not in terms of wealth or material possessions. When it comes to spiritual, emotional and basically all the other good stuff then I am indeed a Boss by all accounts. However as much as I appreciate that I live a happy and satisfied life, the lust for that of which I do not have is still strong. This remains a real problem, regardless of my intellect, my understanding of what's import...

Lord of the Flies

I was fortunate enough to be invited along to a private viewing at the Tate Modern with my good buddy Mel. Both he and his wife have memberships entitling them to free entry and +1 which I hope will mean more visits to come. The first being to view the Damien Hirst Retrospective Exhibition . Firstly I had a few preconceptions and had almost determined my feelings about the exhibition before I'd even seen it. This was mostly due to the fact that Damien Hirst's work is often in the media, not to mention often very publicly criticised. I would guess that most people will be aware of a piece of his work albeit some unknowingly. I believe my first experience came about due to his work with skulls. Makes sense right? Upon entering the Tate Modern you're first offering is "For the Love of God". Perhaps better known as the platinum skull covered in 8,601 flawless diamonds including a pear shaped pink diamond in the centre of the forehead. Or if you prefer £50,00...

Summer Solstice 2012

Summer Solstice - yesterday Wednesday 20th June 2012 marked the longest day of the year. I don't really know much about it, but it may well mark the end of the Summer here in the UK as we are forecast a deluge of storms in the next couple days alone. Put that hose pipe down I say! It's been a pretty weak effort at Summer to be fair, even our almost always annual trip to France was riddled with showers. Anyway, find out more about it by clicking the link, and take a look at this pretty picture why don't ya? It certainly felt like the longest day between the hours of 09:00 and 17:30. Not even a lunch time pint in the sunshine at my favourite haunt the Shaston Arms could make today pass quicker. The 'missable if you don't know' but 'huge when you do realise' plug on Ganton Street is still adorned in the Union Jack for the Queen's Jubilee, and foot fall outside the Shaston was slow until around 14:00 when we had to head back to work. Alread...