Do I really care? Yes and No is the answer. The 'Right' answer is " Of course not, I'm married, I don't ogle women, why would I give a damn? " (disgusted look, shake of the head and a sigh before turning away) But I work in fashion and I'm a dedicated follower of what's going on, so I get a 'Pass'. The latest issue of Front Magazine and a trip to New Look with a female friend made me wonder. So these are my observations and thoughts about the footwear choices women make. (Solely* from my walks to and from work)(*pun intended) I will try and keep this as un-sexist, un-sleazy and un-sexually gratifying as possible, but I'm not promising. I'm married, not gay. It's 2010. For a number of years now the truth has been that Footwear is no longer only for women. If anything Men are just as likely to camp out, line up for hours, spend the mortgage money and cause GBH for and because of a pair of shoes. Yes there are those who continue to liv...