There are many ways to interpret the imagine of a skull, particularly but not exclusively the human skull. For me ever since I was a kid it was associated with being a bad ass. Now in my forties and as a collector of skull art, tattoos and jewelery the simplest answer to why remains the same as it did when I was a kid. What fascinates me is that despite the seemingly limited aspects of a skull, there are in fact an infinite number of highly emotive, thought provoking ways to use it. I along with many others believe the skull is something to be celebrated rather than feared, and recently a couple of my favourite go-to sites have been rebranded and updated.

I was excited to receive a newsletter from Andy, creative director of Jack Of The Dust stating that his website had undergone a change to better serve those outside of his native Australia. I've followed his work on Instagram for some time. Having been a boat builder for twelve years, his talent with his hands is evident in his artwork. He's gone from 'playing around with skulls' in his home studio to moving his operation into a factory. The quality and ingenuity of his work make his skulls stand out from the rest. Check him out online and be sure to follow on Instagram where he regularly holds exclusive giveaways.

Unburden yourself from the stigma surrounding skulls. Skulls, although a representation of death, can also be a celebration of life, a symbol of what was and what will be. The Skull Appreciation Society hopes to change the perception of how we see skulls in our modern lives and show you their true beauty through art, sculpture and design.

I can't beieve it's been two years since I visisted "Celebrabis Vitae"; a skull art exhibition by the Skull Appreciation Society featuring over 45 artists and including over 60 pieces of skull art (paintings, illustrations and prints), sculpture and jewellery. Well since then I've not only kept my eye on their site but also the hope of owning a particular piece seen at the exhibition. BANK JOB by Tom Lakeman aka The Blackout Studio is limited to just ten prints and has been the artwork I coveted most in recent times.

Described as a community for the skull enthusiast and serving as a store, blog and archive of artists, sculptors, painters, designers and more the newly rebranded Skull Appreciation Society offers expertise like no other. This has everything it takes to be the first site you visit when you wake and the last before you sleep. Just don't go having any nightmares.
