Summer T-Shirts by Hobo and Sailor / WORKWARE
Looking out of the window as I type this and the last thing on my mind is t-shirts. It's wet and windy and I've got my jacket collar pulled up whilst indoors. Still, the following t-shirts have been on my mind and are absolutely perfect for when the sun does make an appearance this Summer.
Now as you can well imagine there are countless brands and an infinite number of t-shirt options out there, so I'm highlighting just the ones from brands that are really floating my boat so to speak.
First up is Hobo and Sailor. A brand I had associated more with sweatshirts which is completely unjustified as they've been making outstanding t-shirts since their inception. The latest offering of t-shirts are unsurprisingly Naval themed and utilise classic comic style graphics by way of a palm trees, anchors, a hula dancer, a tomcat and an octopus.
Next is a brand I've yet to feature on the blog, but one I've followed for quite some time on Instagram, Workware Heritage Clothing Company.
"Workware Heritage Clothing Company is a mixture of old and new. We believe every single piece of object had its own story. There is like a book, you may like the cover, but what get you in is the real story behind. Workware Heritage Clothing Company has great selection and a dedication to the timeless quality of vintage wear and ware. They have soul to everyone."Based in Hong Kong, the brand have been collecting vintage clothing for over ten years. I was first attracted to the brand having seen their impressive range of cargo pants and my interest grew from there. This summer they have a number of t-shirt options including a very respectable pocket t-shirt available in a few colours and currently on sale. Newness comes in the form of the 3 Days Union Bomb, Circle and Slogan t-shirts. Naturally these are military inspired with stencilled lettering and simple yet cogent graphics.
I really can't keep going on about why I'm so interested in military inspired designs, particularly anything with a US Navy theme. You'll just have to look back over previous posts or accept it as an indisputable fact.
In addition to the items above there are a couple articles I found interesting and would definitely recommend you have a read of -
Who Made That T-Shirt?